The Picota del Jerte PDO offers quality and exclusivity
The Picota del Jerte Cherry
The Picota del Jerte Cherry

The Picota del Jerte cherry is a “unique and limited” product, and the PDO council is focussing its efforts on raising awareness of this particular added value.

The XII Technical Conference, organised by the of the Cereza del Jerte Protected Designation of Origin Regulatory Council and held this week in Cáceres, has ended in a “very satisfactory” manner, both in terms of expert participation and the number of visitors, which totalled more than 170 people.

The main findings of the conference were the “unique and limited” qualities of the Picotas del Jerte product, and the Designation of Origin Council is set on focusing its efforts on raising awareness of this particular added value among end consumers.

“We’re on the right track, but there’s still work to be done”, concluded the Cereza del Jerte Protected Designation of Origin president, Clara Prieto.

She pointed out that one of the main challenges is “to raise awareness among end consumers that the picota isn’t available all season, but only grows during a particular period of time”.
