
Historically it is believed that cherries came from between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea and spread across Europe and Asia by migrating birds.

Later, in Ancient Age, the Roman Empire spread this fruit between different regions, mainly those nearer. This is why Turkey and Europe are now the largest cherry producers in the world.

The Jerte Valley, the origin of picota

European cherries come mainly from Spain, the largest cherry and picota cherry producer in Europe, and at the same time the main exporter of this fruit according to FAO.

To this effect, the main picota cherry producer is found in the Jerte Valley, with them being the only producers of this exquisite fruit that can only be found in the Spanish region of Extremadura and which, thanks to its traditional cultivation, makes its quality the added value to this European product that reaches all corners of the world.

The origin and the story of picota cherries is a fascinating one, rooted in ancient history and spanning continents

Today, Europe is the main producers of picota cherries, with Spain leading the way as the largest cherry and picota cherry producer in all of Europe. In Spain, the Jerte Valley is home to the only producers of this exquisite fruit, which can only be found in the Spanish region of Extremadura.

The traditional cultivation methods used in the Jerte Valley are what give picota cherries their unique quality, making them highly sought-after by consumers worldwide. Rich in nutrients and boasting numerous health benefits, picota cherries are a healthy snack that can be enjoyed in a variety of ways.

In conclusion, picota cherries are a delicious and healthy fruit with a rich history and unique qualities. From their ancient origins to their modern-day cultivation, picota cherries have become an important part of European agriculture and cuisine.